Role of Udshwita In Facial Paralysis: A Review Article

International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology (IJBTT)
© 2019 by IJBTT Journal
Volume - 9 Issue - 4                          
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Ravneet Kaur Chahal
DOI :  10.14445/22490183/IJBTT-V9I4P601


MLA Style:Ravneet Kaur Chahal "Role of Udshwita In Facial Paralysis: A Review Article" International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology 9.4 (2019): 1-3.

APA Style:Ravneet Kaur Chahal (2019). Role of Udshwita In Facial Paralysis: A Review Article. International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology, 9(4), 1-3.


Ayurveda is the science which deals with miraculous effects of simple medications. Most of the medicines are available around us easily and buttermilk including butter called as Udshwita is very oftenly present in our routine life. It can become beneficial in severe diseases like facial paralysis if taken continuously. It is beneficial in different disorders along with other drugs. It is prepared by continous churning of Dadhi (curd). It cleanses Srotsas (channels) of body so clears pathway for Rasa (plasma) to nourish body . It is compared with Rasayana in Ayurveda because of its tendency to fight against diseases and oxidation of cells. If it is taken along with proper methodology, body cells regain strength and vitality. Most of our ancient sages wrote about the benefits of Udshwita. Here an important view is elaborated to fight against a very dangerous disease called as facial paralysis which halts everyone to do daily chores in busy life. Butter was said to be harmful for heart but now –a – days it is said to be beneficial for heart. It is known as nectar for body. Liver functions are also improved for proper detoxification of organs. Uric acid formation become normal. It helps to grow bones. In case of digestion problems it is advised to drink buttermilk. Without Bhaishajya Kalpana it is not possible to prepare different types of preparations. Accuracy in proportion of Dadhi and water is essential for positive results.


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Ayurveda, Dadhi, Srotas, Rasayana, Udshwita.