Effectiveness of Bacillus subtilis Bacteria as a Total Organic Matter Reducer in Catfish Pond (Clariasgariepinus) Cultivation
MLA Style: Sri Intan Anggraini , Diana Arfiati , Happy Nursyam "Effectiveness of Bacillus subtilis Bacteria as a Total Organic Matter Reducer in Catfish Pond (Clariasgariepinus) Cultivation" International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology 9.2 (2019): 7-10.
APA Style:Sri Intan Anggraini , Diana Arfiati , Happy Nursyam (2019). Effectiveness of Bacillus subtilis Bacteria as a Total Organic Matter Reducer in Catfish Pond (Clariasgariepinus) Cultivation. International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology, 9(2), 7-10.
Catfish cultivation produces aquaculture wastes containing organic matter. Organic material is a collection of complex organic compounds that have undergone a process of decomposition by decomposers, both in the form of humus and mineralized inorganic compounds. To reduce the water of organic material in catfish (Clariasgariepinus) maintenance media and aquaculture ponds, a technology for cultivation management are needed, one of these technologies is bioremediation using Bacillus subtilis as bioremediation. This study aims to determine and analyze the potential of Bacillus subtilis in reducing levels of TOM (Total Organic Matter) in vitro and in vivo. This research was conducted in February 2019 at the UB MIPA FMIPA Laboratory (in vitro) and in the catfish pond UPT PTPBP2KP Kepanjen (in vivo). The study used a factorial complete randomized design (Factorial RAL) with the addition of Bacillus subtilisfour treatments (K = Control, D1 = 100 ml, D2 = 10 ml and D3 = 1 ml) at 24th, 48th, 72nd, 96th and 120thhours, consisting of three replications. The results obtained from this study indicate that TOM concentrations in treatments D1, D2 and D3 were lower than controls. This shows that Bacillus subtilis can reduce TOM from catfish ponds. The best treatment was found in W5D2 treatment as bioremediation of catfish organic pond water with the remaining TOM 16.23% with an efficiency value of 84%. The results of this study were also supported by measurements of water quality namely dissolved oxygen ranging from 1.83 - 3.50 mg/L, pH ranged from 6.8 to 7.6, temperatures ranged from 270C -280C and ammonia ranged from 0.29 -2.90 mg/L.
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