The Establishment of the PCR Detection Method of Babesia canis with Internal Amplification Control
Xiaohu Zhai?Min Jiang? MingxiaTan? Dawei Yao "The Establishment of the PCR Detection Method of Babesia canis with Internal Amplification Control", International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology (IJBTT), V7(4): 1-6 Oct - Dec 2017, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
The aim of this study is to establish a PCR method for detection of Babesia canis, which contains amplified internal standard, to improve the accuracy of detection. According to Babesia canis , the 18S rRNA gene of Babesia canis design primers for PCR detection of Babesia canis, using the gene fragment of chicken plasmid constructed and amplified internal standard method using a composite primer containing the recombinant. The amplified internal standard was added into the PCR detection system of Babesia canis to establish a PCR method for detection of Babesia canis. The results showed that the detection sensitivity of PCR was 105 copies/25 L in 25 L reaction system by adding 106 copies internal standard. In this study, a PCR assay with amplified internal standard was developed for rapid, accurate and simple detection of Babesia canis infection, and it could effectively avoid false negative phenomena.
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Babesia canis PCR; canine; internal amplification control; false negative.