Occurrence of Organic Pollutants Associated with Toxic Algal Bloom in Aquatic Habitats of Central India
Kailash Prasad Jaiswal, Ragini Gothalwal, A.S. Yadav "Occurrence of Organic Pollutants Associated with Toxic Algal Bloom in Aquatic Habitats of Central India", International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology (IJBTT), V7(3): 17-26 Jul - Sep 2017, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Central India is a second largest region of India, the dependable water source are lake, dame and rivers are natural water resource in and around the city which managed as dynamic vibrant life systems also suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes was carried out by local peoples. Assessment of organic pollution by Palmer’s Algal Genus Index and physico-chemical and biological characters of different aquatic habitats of central India which effectss aquatic environmental quality, ecological health as well as human health is demanded. Analysis of physico-chemical parameters like pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen, chloride, sulphate, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium has been carried out. The organic pollution was analyzed and observed that all the sampling points wre dominated by toxic algal bloom in different aquatic habitats, the physico-chemical parameters supported enrichment of aquatic water with nutrients due to direct function of the environment. Direct microscopic examination of the water were used to determine the various types of algal genus which indicate different degrees of pollution as bioindicator and nutrient enrichment in water quality of central India.
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