A Comparative Analysis of Growth and Polyhydroxybutyrate
production in Selected Strains of Bacteria
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International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology (IJBTT) | ![]() |
© 2015 by IJBTT Journal | ||
Volume-13 |
Year of Publication : 2015 | ||
Authors : Reji. S R, Nair G M, Gangaprasad A, Potty V P |
Reji. S R, Nair G M, Gangaprasad A, Potty V P "A Comparative Analysis of Growth and Polyhydroxybutyrate production in Selected Strains of Bacteria", International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology (IJBTT),V13:8-13 November-December 2015. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) is a class of polyester accumulated intracellularly by many gram positive and gram negative bacteria as carbon and energy reserve granule. The potential of PHB as biodegradable plastic has been long recognized but several factors like time of extraction, method of extraction, carbon sources etc. hampered their commercialization for a wide range of application. So this study was aimed for isolating potential PHB accumulating strains and optimizing time of extraction of PHB from the strains. Time course study of growth and PHB production of bacteria revealed that optimum PHB production was associated with the stationary phase of its growth.
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