Prevalence of Antiphospholipids Antibodies in Pregnant Women seen in Prenatal Consultation in a Public Maternity of Niamey, Niger

International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology (IJBTT)
© 2015 by IJBTT Journal
Year of Publication : 2015
Authors : Boutchi M, Aridouane DD, Garba M, Akpona SA


Boutchi M, Aridouane DD, Garba M, Akpona SA "Prevalence of Antiphospholipids Antibodies in Pregnant Women seen in Prenatal Consultation in a Public Maternity of Niamey, Niger", International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology (IJBTT),V12:7-10 September-October 2015. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.


The antiphospholipids antibodies lupus like are oriented against the membraneous phospholipids and can be associated to serious complications of pregnancy. The objective of this survey was to determine the prevalence of this type of antibody in pregnant women that come for prenatal consultation to Issaka Gazobi maternity of Niamey. The selection of the sample was done on the basis of clinical information on pregnancy complication evoking the syndrome of antiphospholipids antibodies. In presence of an antiphospholipid antibody, the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) of the patient is lengthened. APTT on the mixture of the plasma of the patient to equal part of the plasma of control also remains stretched out because of the inhibitory effect of the antibody. During the period of the survey 1960 pregnant women have been consulted among which 35 have been suspected of the antibodies antiphospholipids syndrome, weither a rate of 1,83%. The main motives of consultations were the threats of miscarriages (40, 35%) and pre-eclampsy (26,42%). The antiphospholipids antibodies of lupus type has been detected in 37,14% of cases and in 25,71% it has been underlined. The aspirin alone-based treatment has lead 88,90% of pregnancies at term. These results showed up a high prevalence of anticoagulants circulating lupus in the pregnant in Niamey. The use of aspirin 100 mgs per day permitted to avoid obstetric complications.


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Antibody antiphospholipids, pregnancy, aspirin, Niamey.