Climate Variability and Socio-Economic Management of Néré Parkland (Parkia Biglobosa (JACQ.) G.Don. in DJIDJA Tonwship / Benin
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International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology (IJBTT) | ![]() |
© 2015 by IJBTT Journal | ||
Volume - 5 Issue - 2 |
Year of Publication : 2015 | ||
Authors : Frechno E.Boko, GastonAkouehou, BernadetteDossou |
Frechno E.Boko, GastonAkouehou, BernadetteDossou "Climate Variability and Socio-Economic Management of Néré Parkland (Parkia Biglobosa (JACQ.) G.Don. in DJIDJA Tonwship / Benin", International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology (IJBTT), V5(2):8-15 Apr - Jun 2015, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
To assess the effects of humans’ activities and climate variability on socio economic living of population and Néré parklands vulnerability in DjidjaTownship in Benin. Primary data on climate variability and socio-economic characteristics of farmers were collected through investigation of 72Néréparkland ’farmers and focus-group. Descriptive statistic and principal components analysis were performed with SAS 9.2, SPSS and Excel softwares. The mains results of the perceptions of populations about climate variability especially rain variability fit with climate data trend obtained from meteorological stations. 93% of famers notice this climate variability and 90.31% has developed adaptation strategies which are cultural practice (41.33%), adaptation of the cropping system (37.33%), diversification of agricultural activities (10.67%) and reforestation which is little practiced (8%). Economic performances analysis showed no significant difference between adaptation technics but based on income average, the adaptation of the cropping system seems to be the most profitable (339132±84135) whereas the less profitable is the reforestation (143667±39389).
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Perception, adaptation, climate variability, Néré parklands, socio-economy, Benin.