Computer-aided and Herbal Informatics based Drug Designing for Potential Lung Cancer Therapeutics
MLA Style:Debanjoy Paul, Preeti Pannu, Madhavi Sinha, Vaishali Bisht "Computer-aided and Herbal Informatics based Drug Designing for Potential Lung Cancer Therapeutics" International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology 11.3 (2021): 8-17.
APA Style:Debanjoy Paul, Preeti Pannu, Madhavi Sinha, Vaishali Bisht(2021). Computer-aided and Herbal Informatics based Drug Designing for Potential Lung Cancer Therapeutics. International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology, 11(3), 8-17.
Lung was very rare at the beginning of the last century, but later according to a cancer statistic report, it becomes the most common cancer worldwide since 1985. But there are still multiple risk factors, including environmental, hormonal, genetic, and viral, that have been implicated in the pathogenesis of lung cancer in never-smokers; no related factor has been there that can explain the high incidence of lung cancer in never-smokers. Drug design describes the search of novel compounds with biological activity on a systematic basis. The drug design process has focused on the molecular determinants of the interactions between the drug and molecular target. It is cost-efficient, time-saving, and the process is automatic. We can also know the drug-receptor interaction pattern. Through searching huge libraries of phytochemicals compounds, it can give high hit rates compounds comparison to other high throughput screening, and there is a little chance of failures in the final phases.
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Cancer, CADD, Therapeutics, Phytochemicals, and Lung cancer.