Development of ROSINA (Robotic System for Intubation)

International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology (IJBTT)
© 2021 by IJBTT Journal
Volume - 11 Issue - 3                          
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Guido Danieli, Rosa Gallo, Pasquale Francesco Greco, Gabriele Larocca, Francesco Maiarota, Massimiliano Sorbello
DOI :  10.14445/22490183/IJBTT-V11I3P601


MLA Style:Guido Danieli, Rosa Gallo, Pasquale Francesco Greco, Gabriele Larocca, Francesco Maiarota, Massimiliano Sorbello  "Development of ROSINA (Robotic System for Intubation)" International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology 11.3 (2021): 1-7.

APA Style:Guido Danieli, Rosa Gallo, Pasquale Francesco Greco, Gabriele Larocca, Francesco Maiarota, Massimiliano Sorbello(2021). Development of ROSINA (Robotic System for Intubation). International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology, 11(3), 1-7.


The paper describes the development of a new robotic system for guiding the intubation using a laryngoscope, separating the patient from the doctor, and allowing to fully control the introduction using a small console with two joysticks. The basic mechanism derives from our ROSES, robotic system for endovascular surgery, presently going through clinical tests in the field of angioplasty, and consisting in a particular planetary train that allows controlling three parameters, advancement, rotation of the laryngoscope, and possibly curvature of its tip. In the final edition, however, the third parameter control was suppressed substituted by a motor positioned on the clamp that holds the laryngoscope. The system includes a stand holding the robotic actuator placed above the patient’s mouth, the clamp to grasp the laryngoscope suspended to a wire, whose weight is counterbalanced. On the opposite side of the actuator is placed the small console. A brake allows blocking the wire that joins the clamp with the counterweight. Clinical trials on this system are also about to start since we are waiting for the permission of the ethical committee.


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guiding a laryngoscope in the upper airways, risk reduction in patient intubation, robotic system for intubation, separating the doctor from the patient during intubation.