Taxonomic Study of a New Cestode Circumoncobothrium Ali From Mastacembelus armatus
MLA Style:S. S. Kale, S. G. Kalshetti"Taxonomic Study of a New Cestode Circumoncobothrium Ali From Mastacembelus armatus" International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology 11.1 (2021): 16-19.
APA Style:S. S. Kale, S. G. Kalshetti(2021).Taxonomic Study of a New Cestode Circumoncobothrium Ali From Mastacembelus armatus. International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology, 11(1), 16-19.
This communication deals with a new Pseudophyllidaen tapeworm belonging to the genus circumoncobothriumShinde, Viz. circumoncobothriumali n. sp. has been described from the intestine of Mastacembalusarmatus at Laturdistrict (M. S.) India and compared with the existing species. Scolex triangular, having bothria, rostellar hooks single circle, straight, neck short, mature segment broader than long; testes 80-85 (82) in number, ovary bilobed, medium genital pore, vitelline follicles oval and small, uterus saccular and oval.
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Cestode, circumoncobothrium Ali, Mastacembelus armatus.