Morphometric and Meristic Characteristics of Hybrid Catfish from Selected Fish Farms in Southern Nigeria
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International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology (IJBTT) | ![]() |
© 2015 by IJBTT Journal | ||
Volume - 5 Issue - 1 |
Year of Publication : 2015 | ||
Authors : Umoh, I. A., Nlewadim, A. Obuba, L. E, Oguntade, O. R. |
Umoh, I. A., Nlewadim, A.Obuba, L. E, Oguntade, O. R. "Morphometric and Meristic Characteristics of Hybrid Catfish from Selected Fish Farms in Southern Nigeria", International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology (IJBTT), V5(1):14-19 Jan - Mar 2015, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Morphological and meristic characters of hybrid clariid catfish from selected fish farms in Abia and Akwa-Ibom states were investigated. Ten juveniles of the hybrid clariid catfish were obtained from each of the farms to give a total of forty. Thirty morphometric and meristic characters were measured. The data obtained were subjected to different statistical techniques. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) at P?0.05 showed that dorsal fin ray number was significant in Abia 1 (53.79) than Abia 2 (48.05), Akwa Ibom 1 (49.04) and Akwa Ibom 2 (47.00). Adipose fin length which is a major distinguishing character among “Hetero x Clarias” hybrid were observed to have varying proportions among the farms with Abia 2 having a significant length of 9.8cm followed by Abia 1 (8.09cm), Akwa Ibom 1(6.12cm) and Akwa Ibom 2 having the least (3.32cm). Pearson’s correlation coefficient matrix showed that adipose fin length (r=0.89, P?0.04) is dependent on dorsal fin length which is the usual trend in Heterobranchus spp. These characters were further subjected to a multivariate statistical technique (principal component analysis) to ascertain the characters that account for the variations. The Principal component analysis showed that principal component 1 and 11 with Eigen values 22.81 and 3.01 respectively accounted for 91.75% of the total variance in the data set. In addition, the PCA biplot revealed that the hybrids differed meristically and the characters accounting for these are; pectoral fin-ray, caudal finray, anal fin-ray, dorsal fin-ray, pelvic fin-ray, eye diameter, anal fin height, weight and body depth at anus.
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Morphometric, meristic, characters