In-Silico approach to phylogentic analysis of differentially expressed protein Matrix Metalloproteinase proteinase -12 associated with Lung Cancer

International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology (IJBTT)
© 2015 by IJBTT Journal
Volume - 5 Issue - 1                          
Year of Publication : 2015
Authors : Bhagavathi S., Gulshan Wadhwa, Anil Prakash


Bhagavathi S., Gulshan Wadhwa, Anil Prakash "In-Silico approach to phylogentic analysis of differentially expressed protein Matrix Metalloproteinase proteinase -12 associated with Lung Cancer", International Journal of Biotech Trends and Technology (IJBTT), V5(1):1-8 Jan - Mar 2015, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.


Phylogenies ; The evolutionary histories of groups of species are one of the most widely used tools throughout the life sciences, as well as objects of research with in systematic, evolutionary biology. In every phylogenetic analysis reconstruction produces trees. These trees represent the evolutionary histories of many groups of organisms, bacteria due to horizontal gene transfer and plants due to process of hybridization. In this paper a model has been employed to reconstruct phylogenetic network in Matrix metalloproteinase-12 gene (MMP12). Through comparison with several species of healthy organism, one may determine where the defective mutation is located, and then determine how to treat the disease. For this purpose, we have taken up the strategy of phylogenetics of genes causable for lung cancer with bioinformatics approach. This strategy may help us to identify the mutations that had occurred in evolutionary conserved residues. We feel this method can be useful for understanding evolutionary rate variation, and for understanding selection variation on different characters. To better understand the roles that MMPs play today in development and disease, it is helpful to understand their historical functions and their evolution.


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Phylogeny, mutations, species, MMP12